Saturday, December 5, 2009

Monk and Snow, One thing I like and one I hate

I'll start this one off happy. Well, bitter-sweet. Monk aired its series finale last night, and I felt it was a very good episode. It provided closure with Monk and the Trudy case, as well as Sherona and Discher, a very nice touch. Plus Monk got to be a badass in it. That was so cool. He punched, he threatened with guns...shit went down and it was great.

I started watching Monk when it first premiered (in 2002?) and was immediately drawn in. I watched the first 3 seasons or so on a regular basis, but then slowly started to fade out as it went on. Certainly, over the past 3 seasons I've only watched on the occasional basis, but I still liked the show very much. During this season I made it a point to watch the episode with Sherona's return, and also the 2 part finale over the past 2 weeks.

Monk also paved the way for me to watch Psych, which usually aired after Monk on Fridays. Psych is now one of my favorite shows ever, and it wouldn't be able to exist without Monk. I went to Best Buy to buy the Monk season one DVD, and ended up getting the Psych one as well, even after only seeing about two episodes.

Now for the angry ranting.

I hate snow. Hate, hate, hate it. Why? Well for starters I'm not 7 anymore. Snow is wet. Snow is cold. Snow makes it difficult to drive. Snow makes it difficult to see and walk. But it's so pretty!!! Bullshit, it's grey after 2 days on the ground.

Plus, it only snows a little now. It snows enough to serve no purpose. When I was younger, I remember making forts on my front lawn with the neighbors. Forts with tunnels, and taking up huge chunks of the yard. Now we get 3 inches at once, and if you build a snowman, half your lawn is green and the other is white....well, grey. Snow sucks. It never cancelled school in high school and now when it does it's pretty inconvenient. Snow sucks, and if you like it, you are wrong.

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