(21-17 )

16: "Revolutions Per Minute" by Rise Against (2003). The second album by Rise Against, and one of the first punk albums I ever bought is just great. From start to finish this album pumps you up, just as the band intended to do. This was one of the first albums that after just one listen, I thought nothing but "wow". It blew me away. They do a great job of covering topics from relationships to politics. Tim is flawless at balancing his singing with his screaming, unlike all the other scene-hardcore bands out there. Rise Against gets angry when its appropriate, putting them so far ahead of most bands in terms of ability. "RPM" was a great way for me to get introduced to the band, and I highly recommend this album. It should be noted that I first bought because of "Like the Angel" was featured in "Tony Hawk's Underground", but even from that one song I knew I wanted to get more. Plus, it ends with a great cover of Journey's "Anyway You Want It"
Favorite Song: "Broken English"

15: "Get Warmer" by Bomb the Music Industry! (2007) When I first downloaded (for free from here) I wasn't to fond of the whole thing. I liked a couple songs, but I also got their (his?) previous three albums at the same time, so I had a lot of BTMI! to juggle. After some time, I listened to the whole thing beginning to end and then realized exactly what an amazing CD this is (did I mention its FREE?). I will say its not for everyone, but for an artist who gives out their music for free you can't expect perfect quality. "Get Warmer" is great despite this. You really have to appreciate Jeff Rosenstock and his career to really appreciate his music. But never the less, "Get Warmer" is a lot of fun, and in my mind very easy to enjoy with every listen.
Favorite Song: "No Rest For the Whiny"

14: "Losing Streak" by Less Than Jake (1996). The major label debut for Less Than Jake is far from selling out (Despite what Johnny Quest might think). It might be poppier than "Pez-core" was, but they still do a great job of mixing punk, pop, ska, and their share of metal as well. I don't have much to say about "Losing Streak" besides that it is in every way a great album.
Favorite Song: "Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts"

13: "Scrambles" by Bomb the Music Industry! (2009) Again, I was not overly impressed by BTMI at first, but then i took to time to really listen. I used to think all the piano-heavy tracks were boring, but boy was I wrong. Those songs are some of the band's best, and really do a great job to capture Rosenstock's struggles as a musician in a non-flashy way. Every time i listen to one song, I feel obligated to listen to all the ones that follow since the album flows so well. Again, this album is FREE here, so feel free to listen for yourself guilt-free.
Favorite Song: 25!

Favorite song: "Beer"
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