Monday, July 26, 2010

Favorite Fictional Bands

Now a little bit past the halfway point so I figured I'd give a little salute to my favorite fictional bands from various TV shows. They're in no order, but still all great to check out.

Duke Silver (Parks and Recreation)

Duke Silver is the stage name of Rob fucking Swanson. He was born ready.

Mouse Rat (Parks and Recreation)

Mouse Rat has gone over many changes over the years. The most obvious of these changes are the names. Other names have included Scarecrow Boat, Malice in Chains, Punch Face Champion, Flmaes for Flames, The Andy Andy Andys, Andy and the D-Bags, Crackfinger, Department of Homeland Obscurity, Fourskin, Puppy Pendulum, Possum Pendulum, Penis Pendulum, Radwagon, Jet Black Pope, Muscle Confusion, Just the Tip, Fiveskin, Threeskin, Angel Snack, Nothing Rhymes with Orange, Everything Rhymes with Orange, Nothing Rhymes with Blorange, Ninja Dick, God Hates Figs, Teddy Bear Suicide, and Radwagon. Without their front-man, Andy Dwyer, they are known as Rat Mouse and they are terrible.

Scrantonicity (The Office)

Scrantonicity (and Scrantonicity II) are a sting cover band who used to be a Steve Miller Band cover band known as "Jokers and Tokers"

Jeffster! (Chuck)

Jeffster! is probably my favorite band on here. Why? They're just awesome. They do covers of all kinds of songs, and have been known to play weddings and Comic-Con, as well as spoil government conspiracies.

Creation (Freaks and Geeks)

Playing different late 70's/Early 80's rock, Creation never really got anywhere. Their one booking for a house party was cancelled due to a car crash.

Dr. Funke's 100% Natural Good Times Family Band Solution (Arrested Development)

Dr. Funke's 100% Natural Good Times Family Band Solution used the power of folk music to tell about new "wellness supplements" and their side effects. They do not like they use of the wood block.

Motherboy (Arrested Development

Motherboy was a heavy metal band that rocked pretty hard in the 80's. they are not associated with the mother-son convention. I am legally obligated to make this distinction.

The Worthless Peons* (Scrubs)

The Worthless Peons have evolved much over the years. They have been known to a capella versions of cartoon theme songs, commercial jingles, sitcom theme songs, and others.

*The Blanks are a real band, but they appear in Scrubs as The Worthless Peons

Cool Cats (Scrubs)

The Cool Cats are an airband who fought the king but the king won. After admitting wrong doings they continued to rock on.

Up next: Resuming the countdown with Canadians

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