Monday, October 26, 2009

2009 New York Yankees: American League Champs

The Yankee's won their 40th pennant last night, and did it in grand fashion. Pettitte pitched great. Rivera got 6 outs to close things out. The bats came up big, they capitalized on the Angel's errors. Really everything went right. The World Series is in my mind the best match up possible, and I cannot wait for it. I'll have a preview of that either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Some Quick awards of the series
The Hero: Alex Rodriguez. I know CC was the MVP (which I agree with 100%), but A-Rod continued his post season offensive explosion into the ALCS and really got people off his back
The Goat: Chone Figgins. C-Figgy didn't hit, he had problems in the field....really didn't do much of anything until he scored in the 8th.
Turning Point of the Series: A-Rod's homer off of Fuentes set the pace that the Yankees were not going to go down quietly, and that it takes 27 outs to win a game.

Quick Reggies from game 6 (still no laptop, so no images)


Andy Pettitte: 4 Reggies

Amazing game, shows why he has more post season wins than anyone in history

Joe Girardi: 4 Reggies

Despite questionable moves in the previous games, he made the right moves here (although Rivera for 2 innings wasn't exactly necessary). He went to Joba at the right time, he played good small ball, and really stepped it up last night

Mariano Rivera: 3 Reggies

Hard to ask for 6 outs, but he did it only allowing the 2 base runners (one would score).


Vlad Guerrero: 4 Reggies

He did his best, picked up Hunter's slack, and really did well yesterday

Joe Saunders: 1 Reggie

Not what they needed from him. Flat out didn't get the job done he was supposed to

Angel's Defense: No Reggies

Flat out the reason they didn't win the series.

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